Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Olympia council considers RV parking ban (KPAX Missoula)

Associated Press - June 3, 2008 12:25 PM ET OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) - The Olympia City Council is considering a ban on RV parking on city streets.

As difficult as it is to swallow, the longer it takes to sell your RV, the more money that it is costing you. You are still making the monthly payments, and the actual value is going down every couple months, so you might get a few hundred or even a couple thousand dollars more by waiting, but if you made more in monthly payments, yo572u might have lost money. If you can price your RV reasonably accurate as compared to what they are selling for, you should be able to sell it fairly quickly. Advertise it on as many classified web sites as you can, have lots of pictures and help line up financing will all reduce the time it takes to sell your recreational vehicle.

Motorhomes affiliate

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